Evolving a GCC from Cost Center to Growth Engine

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Let’s talk transformation. Here an established GCC (Global Capability Center) Country Head tells us how, with the help of hy: they evolved from a global support function to a true growth engine for the business – a journey driven by innovation and execution excellence. Below is the story in their own words:

Evolving our GCCs

Our GCCs historically provided a solid foundation, excelling in areas like R&D, Operations, Local HR, Local Finance, and Global MIS. However, this model lacked functions like Sales, Product Management, and Change Management. This gap limited direct customer interaction and hindered our ability to truly understand and address market needs. It was a missed opportunity for ROI.

To bridge this gap and unlock “execution arbitrage”, we embarked on a calculated transformation of our GCCs supported and guided by our colleagues at hy:

  • Building a Product Powerhouse: We established a dedicated Product Management team within the GCC, fostering deeper customer insights and driving strategic product development. This translated to a direct impact on our top line and improved the connection between customer need and end product delivered.
  • Global Sales Force Multiplier: We created a global sales back-office structure within the GCC. This streamlined sales processes, empowered our global sales teams, and ultimately fuelled revenue growth.
  • HR & Finance: We expanded Global HR and Finance practices within the GCCs, ensuring consistent talent management and efficient financial operations across the organization. This translated to macro and micro-efficiencies throughout the company.
  • From Centralized to Diversified Command: This evolution demanded a move away from a centralized command model towards a diversified command system. We empowered departments with greater control over their local operations, fostering agility and collaboration. This decentralized approach unlocked the full potential of our talent pool.
  • Leading the Change: We understood successful transformation requires leadership evolution. We embraced change-oriented leadership and made adjustments where necessary to ensure alignment with the new vision.
  • Change Management: The Bridge Across: A comprehensive change management strategy ensured a smooth transition for all employees. Top-down communication, training, and support mechanisms facilitated adaptation to the new way of working.
  • The GCC Country Head: A Strategic Shift: The role of the GCC Country Head was redefined. It transitioned from a controlling role to a more strategic consulting function, providing expert guidance and support to departmental teams.


The results? Our GCCs transformed from cost centers to central players in our global business. The focus shifted towards creating significant value-add, with innovation becoming a core tenet for the entire organization. This transformation exemplifies the power of harnessing change and empowering teams. By establishing a direct link between customer needs and GCC capabilities, we unlocked value, positioning ourselves for continued growth and future success.

This was just the beginning of our innovation journey. Its not an easy shift and requires support but when you get it right you become a key driver in your global organisation.



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